Thursday, September 30, 2010


i'm not on twitter, but a friend of mine has his twitter and facebook accounts linked, so i had the pleasure of being a part of this fry fest.
(can't post them all, it's been going on forever. currently on comment #90...)

behold: before & after.

run off batteries!!!
was baptized in the Gulf during the BP oil spill
is really chuck norris arm pit hair
will join Lebron, Wade & Bosh in Miami. #thebig4
comes with sides burn and muscle shirt ....its a kids meal at Mickey D's
killed tupac
found waldo and carmen san diego
ghosts writes for drake and nicki minaj
is going to survive when the world ends in 2012
is an extra in tyler perry next movie
comin out wit a reality show! "Real Atlanta House #Wigs"
can walk on water and not get wet
taught Dougie Fresh how to Dougie
has filed a counter suit
use to be a co host on Double Dare
was the landlord of 227
has released 2 mixtapes.
Framed roger rabbit
Does a care bear stare with a newbirth symbol
shot J.R.
Was Tom from Myspace's first friend
Gave majic johnson the cure
Was mr roper from three's company fashion consultant
is a stunt double.
loves rockin jeggings!
is octomom's baby daddy

*these were copied and pasted. any and all grammatical/punctuation/spelling errors aren't mine.

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