Wednesday, December 3, 2008


i love cereal.

what's up with people describing other people by the car they drive? "you know, kristen with the blue jetta..."no i don't. don't wanna tell me what she looks like?

there is nothing quite like the clean man smell - after the soap and before the cologne.

sunglasses and BlueTooth's in the club. stop it. both of these things have specific purposes and you're abusing your privilege, Robocop.

i question EVERYTHING. it's the only way to survive.

it is very rare that i share where i bought what i'm wearing or what fragrance i have on. i've never looked at imitation as flattery. you more so look like a stalker with low self-esteem. no thanks.

what is it about yawn's that's contagious?

i would be very interested in a series composed kinda like MTV's 'Diary' or VH1's 'Behind the Music' about homeless adults. particularly those that had a nice, standard upbringing. i often find myself wondering "how'd they become homeless?" and "how are they surviving?" it could be called Riches to Rags.

i'm real irritated when i go to people's houses and they don't have paper towels or napkins. especially if you invited me to eat. your life is stupid. and probably dirty.

infomercials make the most basic things seem so extraordinary. why i gotta buy my kitchen knives from tv when i can go to Linens 'n' Things? they offer so many outlandish, unnecessary things. never before have i wanted a light-up spoon that flies/a sandwich maker radio/Tater Mitts so badly.

support the homies

"move (if you wanna)" - mims
available on iTunes

da internz never disappoint!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Friday, November 14, 2008

yearbook yourself

this one was the most hideous

and for the free ninety-nine, you too can make yourself ugly here


how cool are these?!

dibs on the nintendo joint. merry christmas to me?

got this from my bro , bem

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

"he's so hot, he makes my teeth sweat"

yep, totally saw him yesterday at the mall. he was with his wife and 2 children and i don't even have a freakin picture to prove it! he autographed the back of my business card, but i had him make it out to my sister. i'm not big on autographs. yum-my.

Monday, October 27, 2008


when people use the term 'rash decisions', they're basically saying 'irrational decisions', right? so why wouldn't the term be 'irrash decisions'?

i am uncomfortable by a woman's touch on my skin, especially if she's soft. soft handshakes are the worst.

i find it interesting that thousands of years after the decline of the paleolithic era, men still have the 'hunter' mentality. i mean, it's 2008. we can have groceries, movies, dry cleaning and even escorts delivered right to our door. which makes me wonder, how should i feel about the man who waits for women to approach him?

my dad uses the term 'monies'. it burns me up inside.

a friend recently used an alternative term for calling someone fat - "i fear you suffer from gluttony..." i love it!

when i ask how old your toddler is, i don't need to know in months (i.e. 29 months.) "he's two" will suffice.

bathroom attendants make me nervous. am i supposed to break you off because you pre-pulled the paper towels? and how do they keep the straight face while someone's blowin it up? that's ninja behavior.

i want to tie randy jackson up and beat him. then i'll show him clips from movies likes amistad, rosewood and roots so he can understand who he is and where he came from.

my freckles don't have texture. keep your hands off my face.

i will openly question your ability to make sound decisions if you choose unsweet tea over sweet. you lose extra points if you opt for the unsweet and try to sweeten it yourself.

*wink, wink*

Thursday, October 16, 2008

decisions, decisions

this fool injured his finger pretty badly during practice for his college football team. when they told him he'd have to sit out for 4 months, he apparently lost his mind and had the doctor cut off the finger so that he could play. my favorite part of the article:
Trevor only has one regret. The doctor didn't give him the finger. "I wanted to make a necklace out of it." It'd also be a great gag at Subway!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Thursday, October 2, 2008

spare me

*i wrote this ages ago - august 28th, 2006 to be exact. but i thought i'd bring it here in order to expand my audience. 2 years later, i feel the same way.

I am so sick of hearing about these dysfunctional relationship scenarios. you know the typical one where everything seems cool from the outside, but the dude continues to cheat on his girl. and the girl just sits around at home, by herself on the weekends, looking pitiful. it's sad. pathetic-sad.

to the girls, he only does what you allow him to do. so either grow some balls and let that nigga know, or suck it up and quit complaining to your friends. i guarantee they're thisclose to being OVER IT. and to the guys, a lot of you are under the influence that you can continue on with your cheater lifestyle as long as you want b/c your chick's at home missing you. she would never cheat on YOU, right? stupid Ass. love to break it to ya - not all of us are pathetic. y'all are victims too, you're just oblivious. so many of you are being played as you read this, by your "good girl" at home. it's ridiculous for you to think she's inhuman. we have needs too! it may not be a sexual type of situation, but there's a guy that she's kickin it with who makes her laugh more than you do, asks her about her day, notices and compliments her when she changes her hair and most importantly, makes her feel special.

in addition to being able to vent my frustration, i also wanted to pose this question; if you have a wandering eye, wandering jimmy, whatever, why agree to be in a relationship? what is it about a boyfriend/girlfriend title that people are so hype about?

and another thing! gentlemen, it is beyond self-centered for you to hold on to a chick simply because you don't want anyone else to have her. from my observation, this behavior has become commonplace. i personally know both offenders and victims of this type of scenario. let her go! am i the only one who believes in karma?

during the past couple of years, my dad has steadily been dropping knowledge on me about men. (he just recently accepted that i have shared a kiss...gotta love him!) so i'm talking to him about marriage and what makes a man decide he's ready. and my father tells me, straight up, that most men decide to marry a woman so that she can no longer be on the market. sadly, i was not surprised. but i couldn't help but wonder, am i naive for thinking that i can and will marry for love, there's a perfect person for me and we will share a mutual love for each other? as a self-proclaimed "realist", i whole-heartedly believe these things. i refuse to settle. there's a sort of desperacy in that that is not attractive in a woman. i'd rather be single than with someone who's not right for me. someone close to me recently accepted her boyfriend's proposal because she knew he'd be a good provider and they have fun together.


word? that's it? so the way he talks to you when he's frustrated is cool? the fact that his culture requires you to downplay your personality is aight? the fact that your family finds him to be a cocky bastard is straight? and don't get me started on his face. YIKES. most importantly, she wasn't in love with him. she loves what she hopes he will be. no butterflies. she says they'll come eventually. i cannot support this. can you?

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

jaspects broke up

i thought it was a joke at first, but i called around and the devastating news was confirmed. they'll always be in my heart.

9.27.08, at the loft

this one is quite possibly my favorite...
...A Night in Tunisia? - Jaspects

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


i've fallen in love again, with a voice. it's a smooth blend of donny hathaway and javier, if you can imagine. i am a fan. coultrian hails from st. louis and is not trying to compare himself to mr. john coltrane. apparently his nickname was 'train' back in the day. nevertheless, get the album - adventures of seymour liberty. recommended tracks are "green" and "love...meaning". these nappy beard ninjas never fail to impress.
Green - Coultrain


my heart goes out to the lactose intolerant. ice cream = happiness.

what's with people pressing the elevator button after i pressed it already? yeah, that'll make it come quicker.

i've always hated the question "do you have any brothers or sisters?" from someone who's trying to get to know me. particularly male. i feel like it's a lazy question.

synchronized man choreography is corny. i love day 26, but i don't want them to gyrate on stage anymore. and the finger snaps KILL me.

my dad often reminds me that being an infant and being elderly are closely related. i'm scared to experience this firsthand.

the term 'have your cake and eat it, too' is stupid.

who came up with carrot raisin salad? what an a-hole!

if your toes are jacked up, don't wear sandals. it's simple.

the internet is amazing to me. being able to pay my bills, check the weather and casually keep in touch with friends all from the same medium is wonderful. what were we doing before google?

who can tell me why people shave off their eyebrows to draw them back on? anybody?

it bothers me that i discovered how good salmon was so very late in life.

why is it that being old = driving slow? can they physically not push the pedals as hard?

and what's with the hardcore gay people? they choose not to be involved with the opposite sex, yet want to be outwardly represented as exactly that.

if you try to fail and succeed, which have you done?


how can she slap?!

every time i watch this i find something new to laugh about

the writing is on the wall

returning from my lunch break this afternoon, i had the pleasure of being on the elevator with 2 gentleman, one of whom was engaging in the conversation using strictly cliches.
true exerpt: "so...somebody dropped the ball? the lesson here is, we gotta fire the rocket soon. you don't wanna be chicken little when the sky is falling..."
i'm inspired to have a conversation with an unsuspecting person today, using only cliches. Here goes nothin...get it? never mind.

classic weekend

this past weekend was the ??th annual atlanta classic. it was truly not the fun it used to be. (dammit, cheron.) i mean, it wasn't wack...anyway, i took like 10 pictures. last year i took about six-hundred forty-two. whatever.

dinner with earva

erica is one of my besties and when we get together we shop, eat, shop while eating, eat while talking about shopping, or any other combination those two can make. this evening was 50% off at one of her favorite spots, so i figured what better night to give them a 2nd chance? so after some light shopping, we ended up at dolce. i ordered the salmon...yeah, it was the most expensive thing on the menu. and i found out halfway through. check the salmon made of gold -

that yellow stuff is parmesan polenta. it was good, but it wasn't $40-good. the server was cool though and he brought us some vanilla cheesecake on the house. erica, a self-proclaimed cream cheese hater, had her first taste of cheesecake that she enjoyed. this was a big night, guys. seriously, only terrorists don't like cheesecake. she actually took some home.

per usual, we had a good time. and discovered that the inside of this strawberry looks strangely similar to a 'meat wallet'.

*singing* inappropriate...

Monday, September 29, 2008

yes he can!

whenever he wants...

learn to speak chinese

i will always love this


Are you hiding a fugitive?
Hu Yu Hai Ding?
See me A.S.A.P.
Kum Hia Nao
Stupid Man
Dum Gai
Small Horse
Tai Ni Po Ni
Did you go to the beach?
Wai Yu So Tan?
I bumped into a coffee table
Ai Bang Mai Ni
It’s very dark in here
Wai So Dim
This is a tow away zone
No Pah King
You are not very bright
Yu So Dum
I got this for free
Ai No Pei
I am not guilty!
Wai Hang Mi?
Please stay a while longer
Wai Go Nao?
They have arrived
Hai Dei Kum.
Stay out of sight
Lei Lo
He’s cleaning his automobile
Wa Sing Ka.
Your body odor is offensive
Yu Stin Ki
I thought you were on a diet?
Wai Yu Mun Ching?
Our meeting is next week
Wai Yu Kum Nao
Staying out of sight
Lei Ying Lo

Friday, September 26, 2008

no really, ANYthing you need

so i've been to houston twice now and this is the only scenery i've captured on film. i felt it was noteworthy considering the plethora of options. and this particular sign was not rare. i think across the street you could get a clown suit, frozen yogurt, ol' school LP's and window tint all from the same lot. this is convenience.

baby shower

these took entirely too long to make, (i had to make seventy-two of these bad boys,) but i think they turned out well. the purple's not as purple as i would've liked, but it looks purple. right?

Thursday, September 25, 2008


I've been 'blogging' with pen and paper for years, but it wasn't quite the same. i view this as a good outlet for me. hopefully it'll help to keep me more organized. and hopefully i'll make the time to consistently update.