Wednesday, December 30, 2009

a new leaf.

Me and 2 of my girls got together for a night of mexican eatery. i guess they didn't trust me, since they left me in charge of guacamole, limes & salsa (how rude!). so i decided to make pico de gallo. i love it like a sister, but have never taken the time to make it. it was easy.

i learned online the easiest way to peel a tomato. that's boiling water on the left and ice water on the right. it has to be transferred from one to the other very quickly. it basically peeled itself.

i don't appreciate the time it takes to chop things up. this $7 food processor and i have a close relationship.

el fin.


Anonymous said...

The pico was bomb! And for the record, we do trust you in the kitchen...u just weren't a Mexican cuisine pro like we are. Smooches...Tam

RoseExperience said...

It was so deliciouso! Let's do it again only a different theme next time im home!
