Wednesday, July 1, 2009


one of my first posts was about cupcakes. they're awesome. i like to eat them, look at them, read about them and more recently i've been about decorating them. i am IN LOVE with the way a box of all different looking cupcakes looks.

so my friend julie invites me to her birthday situation at Screen on the Green. i love julie dearly, but the idea of being in the heat, on a blanket, with a bunch of chicks made me shudder. a-ha! i'll make her cupcakes instead. julie's a plain jane when it comes to flavors, so i had her choose what she wanted. screw surprises, i hate to be wasteful. we settled on carrot cake with either cream cheese or vanilla frosting. i chose to use both.

i purchased the supplies - cake mix, frosting, dye, sugar, coconut, white chocolate, etc... i wanted to be creative. and since cupcake night coincided with erica and i's girl's night, she was recruited for the cause.

although they clearly look homemade, i think i did aight. will be tweaking it soon. (i made the carrots with a toothpick, my hand's not steady enough for the bag of frosting.)

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