you ever watch those documentaries on 'poverty in america'? ever wonder why those people are so large if they're impoverished?
no? i have. i have for years. and it finally hit me - fat food is cheap. from chef boyardee to hungry man dinners, you can feed a family of 4 for under $10. then there's the dollar menu. it's a hardcore fat trap. i'm guilty of taking advantage on my cheap days. i mean, why wouldn't you? *raises hand* ooh, ooh, i know! because your calves will start to resemble thighs.
think about it. salads, grilled chicken breast, fruit and even bottled water all cost more than their fattier counterparts. i don't know how to take that as anything other than disrespect.
the next question my mind wants to ask is why are less fatty things more expensive? let's take milk for example. whole is $2.25, skim is about $3.50. my logic and deductive reasoning tell me that whole milk is milk in it's natural state. straight from the cow. whereas skim milk has to go through some sort of process to eliminate the fat, therefore incurring more cost due to labor. smart, huh?
i don't truly know the answers. i just want the world to become a better place. starting with a tastetastic salad i can order that won't cost me more than $5.19.